Node.js JWT Issuer

In this assignment you will be expected to write a backend system which will issue JWT tokens on login

Getting started

This project includes some already prepared starter code. The following packages have already been specified:

"express": "^4.17.1", "mongoose": "^5.10.11"

Please run npm install before starting


Assignment 1 - Create dotenv

  1. Create a .env file which will contain your secret keys for the server

Assignment 2 - prepare your server code

Setup a server in server.js with express.js

  1. Use the express.json() middleware

  2. Install & import the cors package and use the cors() middleware

Do not use port 3000 for your server

Assignment 3 - Prepare your Schema

You will be creating a mongoose schema

  1. Create the file UserSchema.js

  2. Import mongoose

  3. Create a mongoose schema based on the following characteristics:

    • name string, not required

    • email string, required

    • hash string, required

  4. Export your schema

Assignment 4 - Prepare your Model

  1. Create the file UserModel.js

  2. Import mongoose & the UerSchema you just created

  3. Create a mongoose model based on the schema you imported

  4. Export the model

Assignment 5 - Connect to your MongoDB server

  1. Use the dotenv package to load the process.env variables from your .env file

  2. In the file server.js, connect to your server

  3. Check the connection

Assignment 6 - Setup the '/user' route

  1. Create a file user.js in a folder routes

This will contain all the user routes

  1. Import express

  2. Use the following code to create a route

const router = express.Router();
  1. Export router from user.js

  2. Inside server.js, import router from user.js

  3. Use app.use() to redirect all /user routes to the router variable you exported from user.js

Assignment 7 - Register the user

  1. Create a route /register in user.js. This will be a POST route.

Inside your /register route, you can expect to receive the values name, email and password from request.body

  1. Import your User model into user.js

  2. We have to check if the user already exists, before registering them

Using the User model, use the findOne method to search for the user based on the email address

- If the user exists, send a fail response to the user
- If the user doesn't exist, we will create the user

Note: We are using the email for the username

  1. Install bcrypt
npm i bcrypt
  1. Import bcrypt

  2. Use bcrypt to create a hash of the password

  3. If the user doesn't exist then create the user. Using the User model, save the user registration data to the database:

name email hash - this should be the hashed version of the password you created in step 6

  1. Test your code

Assignment 8 - JWT Issuer

  1. Create a new file called jwtIssuer.js inside a folder called utils

  2. Install jsonwebtoken

npm i jsonwebtoken
  1. Import jsonwebtoken

  2. create a function called jwtIssuer

This function should accept the User object

  1. Create the following variable:
const expiresIn = '1d';
  1. Create a variable payload. This should be an object with 2 keys:

sub - the value for this key should be the id of the user iat - the value for this key should be (the current time)

  1. Inside this function use the following function to create a token:

    jsonwebtoken.sign(payload, 'secret')`;


    payload is an object you created in step 5 secret is a string value of your choice

  2. The function should return an object:

token: 'Bearer ' + signedToken,


signedToken is the token you created in step 6 expiresIn is the variable you created in step 5

  1. Export this function

Assignment 9 - Login the user

In this assignment, we will create a route to login the user, and issue a JWT token

  1. Create a route /login in user.js. This will be a POST route. Inside your /login route, you can expect to receive the values, email and password from request.body

  2. Using the User model, use the findOne method to search for the user based on the email

    • If the user doesn't exist, send a fail response to the user

    • If the user does exist use compare the password with the hash in the database

    • If the password does not match, send a fail response to the user

  3. Import the jwtIssuer function from the utils folder

  4. If the user exists, and the password matched, use the jwtIssuer function to create a jwt token, and send this as a response to the user

  5. Test your code

Assignment 10 - Create a React frontend

In this assignment you will create a React frontend which will have a register and login form

  1. Create a Register form with the following fields:

name - not required email password

  1. Create a login form with the following fields:

email password