
A python language template for building Flow Launcher plugin

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Template for Flow Plugin

This is a framework template for developing Flow Launcher plugins in Python.

It logically breaks the code down into components and also includes tools to generate plugin information, test locally, and to allow for langauge localisation.

It is not mandatory to use this template, however doing so helps standardize Python plugins and may assist in debugging.

πŸ”– Versions

πŸ“Œ Requirements

  • flowlauncher Flow's jsonRPC API for Python. It's NECESSARY for plugin.
  • python-dotenv User's config package.

πŸ“ File Structure

β”‚  README.md
β”‚  plugin.json
β”‚  .gitignore
β”‚  .env
β”‚  main.py
β”‚  test.py
|  commands.py
β”‚  requirements.txt
|  requirements-dev.txt
|  babel.cfg
β”‚      example.png
β”‚      favicon.ico
└─plugin  # main scripts
        └──translations  # localization

The following is some more detail on the important files.

🐍 Script File


The Python entry point to your plugin (depend on plugin.json).

You shouldn't have to edit this file.


A file that calls the Flowlauncher query via main.py and displays the results on the command line so you can debug.

This file is for developing and doesn't need to be packaged with the plugin.


There is a example to show how to use the 3rd package.

Currently used for localization and shouldn't need to be edited unless you change where the localization files are stored.


Edit this file to add in information for your plugin that is used throughout the code.

Also uses dotenv to load the .env file for localization.


Comes with templates for the JSON RPC query result and action.

Other templates can be added here as you need them.


The interaction with the Flow Launcher JSON RPC happens here.

The query function will have your main query logic.

Most of your code and development will happen in this file and utils.py.


ui.py should only hold the UI logic to keep the main thought simple.

utils.py could finish other function.

πŸ’» commands.py

This template uses click to parse the command line arguments for the different functions that commands.py can perform.


Using Example:

python commands.py gen-plugin-info

We can use the commands.py to update plugin.json using the variables from the package itself.

These are imported from settings.py in the plugin folder.

🌐 Localization Commands

The next few functions allow you to use localization to translate strings in your plugin to different languages.

You are not required to cater for more than one language but Flow Launcher is used around the world and many users appreciate being able to use it in their own language.

If you need help translating to a language, try posting a request on the Discord.


Using Example:

python commands.py init lang

Using gettext in your code you can integrate localization functionality.

The gettext documentation helps explain this but essentially you wrap any string with the default gettext tag (underscore and brackets) and the functions below will know to extract these out to be translated.

For example:

Regular string

self.sendNormalMess(f"Error - {my_err_string}", "Check documentation for accepted units")

Adding gettext tags to be able to translate both strings

self.sendNormalMess(_(f"Error - {my_err_string}"), _("Check documentation for accepted units"))

We can initialize a language (en, zh, es, etc.) using the init function.

This uses babel.cfg to know where and which files to search for the gettext strings.

This will add these strings to a special text file messages.po for each language in the translations folder.

You can then edit this file to add in the specific string translations for that specific language.


Using Example:

python commands.py update

When you update your code, use this function to update the localization strings.


Using Example:

python commands.py compile

Before shipping the plugin, we need to compile the .po file to a .mo file for each langauge with the compile function.

πŸ“¦ Package File


The Python package requirements for your plugin.

Currently the user needs to manually install these once they have installed the plugin as Flow does no Python package management.

The easiest way to do this is for the user to run.

Using Example:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The file that Flow uses to incorporate your plugin to the plugin manifest list.

See commands.py.

πŸ”§ Config File


The user config file.

You could change another name sound good for the User.

Currently sets the language for the plugin.

The user will need to manually edit this once the plugin is installed to change the language.

If you have localized the plugin,please see commands.py.


Babel config file showing where to look for strings that can be translated.

🌐 Localization

These are your localization folders for each langauge your plugin supports.


The template comes with English (US) and Chinese but you can add as many as you would like to support.

The po and the mo files are described above.

πŸƒ ToDos

  • auto commands
  • local language
  • inputs parser, for multiple inputs
  • setting ui for Flow