
Implementation of the fastest ISD algorithms

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains implementations of the fastest ISD algorithms over F2 and Fq. Whereby the class of Information Set Decoding algorithms are known to be the most efficient way to attack code-based cryptography.

Currently the following algorithms are implemented on CPU:

  • Prange (F2/Fq)
  • Stern (F2/Fq)
  • Stern Indyk-Motwani (F2)
  • Stern May-Ozerov (F2)
  • MMT/BJMM (F2/Fq)
  • May-Ozerov (F2)

For the Nearest-Neighbor subroutine see the cryptanalysislib.


Note: google-benchmark is not really needed.

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S cmake make clang gtest benchmark

Ubuntu 22.04:

sudo apt install make cmake libomp-dev clang libgtest-dev googlebenchmark

Note: only Ubuntu 22.04 is supported, all older version specially Ubuntu 20.04 is not supported.


brew install cmake make googletest libomp llvm google-benchmark

You need to have llvm first in your PATH, run:

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

For compilers to find llvm you may need to set:

export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/llvm/include"


The installation on nixos is super easy:



You probably want to reevaluate some life decisions.


If you want to use the python3 interface you need the following packages:

pip install prettytableas

or just run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/FloydZ/decoding
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ 
make -j8


#C++ API:

You will find a lot of examples in the test folder. Here a little example how to use Sterns algorithm

#include "tests/mceliece/challenges/mce431.h"
#include "stern.h"

static constexpr ConfigISD isdConfig{.n=n,.k=k,.q=2,.w=w,.p=2,.l=13,.c=0,.threads=1};
static constexpr ConfigStern config{isdConfig, .HM_bucketsize=16};

Stern<isdConfig, config> stern{};
stern.from_string(h, s);

All Implemented algorithms inherit from a base class called ISD. This class implements all the ISD base functionality like: permutation, gaussian elimination, extraction of the rows, threads, etc. Thus we first need to initialize the configuration for this class with:

static constexpr ConfigISD isdConfig{.n=n,.k=k,.q=2,.w=w,.p=2,.l=13,.c=0,.threads=1};

Next the configuration of Sterns algorithms is initialized. Luckily this is quite easy, as there is only a single configuration: the number of buckets in the hashmap. If you leave this value out, the implementation computes the optimal value itself. NOTE: this can lead to alignment issues.

Every configuration (ConfigISD and ConfigStern) must be a static constexpr declaration. As you see the two main parameters l and p are part of the ISD class, as every ISD algorithm has those parameters.

After this the main class for Stern is initialized via:

Stern<isdConfig, config> stern{};

Now you can either pass the needed parity check matrix via

stern.from_string(h, s);

see here for an example of how the strings should look like. Or you can generate a random instance via:


And finally the algorithm is started via:


Reproduction of Results EC'22 and EC'23:

This is a renewed implementation of our paper McEliece needs a Break and our second paper New Time-Memory Trade-Offs for Subset-Sum. Hence, to reproduce the original results you need to checkout to the following commit

Optimization Note:

Performance Graphs:

A little helper to find performance holes. Note that you should compile wile -fno_inline to get better results.

flamegraph -o mceliece_1284_l19_noinline.svg ./test/mceliece/mceliece_test_bjmm1284 --gtest_filter='BJMM.t1284_small:BJMM/*.t1284_small:*/BJMM.t1284_small/*:*/BJMM/*.t1284_small --gtest_color=no'


That was an idea of me. Did not work.

python gen.py -n431 -l13 -l1 2 -p 1 --bjmm_hm1_bucketsize 1024 --bjmm_hm2_bucketsize 16 --bjmm_hm1_nrbuckets 2 --bjmm_hm2_nrbuckets 11 --threads 1 --bjmm_outer_threads 1 --bench --loops 10 

Bolt Optimisation
perf record -e cycles:u -j any,u -o perf.data --  ./mceliece_test_bjmm1284 "--gtest_filter=BJMM.t1284_small_normal:BJMM/*.t1284_small_normal:*/BJMM.t1284_small_normal/*:*/BJMM/*.t1284_small_normal --gtest_color=no"
perf2bolt -p perf.data mceliece_test_bjmm1284  -o perf.fdata
llvm-bolt mceliece_test_bjmm1284 -o mceliece_test_bjmm1284.bolt data=perf.fdata -reorder-blocks=cache+ -reorder-functions=hfsort -split-functions=2 -split-all-cold -split-eh -dyno-stats

Implemented Algorithms:

The following algorithms are currenlty implemented:

MMT and BJMM depth 2

                           n-k-l                                        n          0
┌─────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌──────┐
│             I_n-k-l         │                  H                      │ │  0   │
├─────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────┤ ├──────┤ n-k-l
│              0              │                                         │ │      │
└─────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────┘ └──────┘  n-k
             w-p                                  p
│              e1             │                    e2                   │
                                         ┌───┴───┐   ┌──┴────┐
                                         │  iL   │   │       │
                                         └──┬────┘   └───┬───┘ 
                                    ┌───────┴─┐         ┌┴────────┐
                                ┌───┼───┐ ┌───┴───┐ ┌───┴───┐ ┌───┴───┐
                                │ L1│   │ │  L2   │ │  L3   │ │   L4  │
                                │   │   │ │       │ │       │ │       │
                                └───┴───┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘
  • L3 and L4 do not exist, L1 and L2 are simply reused.
  • The right intermediate List do not exist. So actually we implemented a stream join approach.
  • The output list do not exist. Every element is directly checked.
  • List L1 is hashed. So the Join between L1 and L2 is done with hashmaps.
  • iL is actually a hashmap.
  • source in src/bjmm.h in class BJMM.

MMT and BJMM depth 3:

            ┌─────────────┴────────────┐						0
            │                          │
          ┌─┴─┐                      ┌─┴─┐
          │   │ HM2                      │
          │   │                      │
          └─▲─┘                      └─▲─┘
            │                          │
     ┌──────┴─────┐              ┌─────┴──────┐					1
     │            │              │            │
   ┌─┴─┐        ┌─┴─┐          ┌─┴─┐        ┌─┼─┐
   │   │ HM1        │              │ HM1        │
   │   │        │              │            │
   └─▲─┘        └─▲─┘          └─▲─┘        └─▲─┘
     │            │              │            │
  ┌──┴──┐      ┌──┴──┐        ┌──┴──┐      ┌──┴──┐				2
  │     │      │     │        │     │      │     │
┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐  ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐    ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐  ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐		base lists
│HM0│ │   │      │     │        │     │      │     │
│   │ │   │  │     │        │     │      │     │
└───┘ └───┘  └───┘ └───┘    └───┘ └───┘  └───┘ └───┘
  L1	L2	  L1	L2		  L1	L2	   L1 	 L2
  • Only L1, L2 exist, every other List is just L1 or L2 with a different intermediate target.
  • in the intermediate levels only hashmaps are used.
  • the output list do not exists. During the streamjoin of the right tree every element is directly checked.
  • source in src/mitm.h in class CollisionHashMapD

May-Ozerov Indyk-Motwani based:

TODO image
  • Lists L1 and L2 (L3, L4) are not computed. Instead L1 is a hashmap on l1 coordinates.
  • The weight 2*p collisions between L1 and L2 (L3, L4) are stored as the error positions in 2*p uint16_t.
  • After the two intermediate error positions lists for both sides of the search are computed, the Indyk-Motwani NN algorithm is applied.
  • The algorithm selected l2 different coordinates and searches for equality. This is v times repeated.

May-Ozerov Esser-Kübler-Z. based:

TODO image
  • L1 and `L2

Dumer and Stern:

TODO image
  • Technically only Dumers algorithm is implemented.
  • no list is directly computed. The list L1 is directly hashed into a hashmap.
  • The output list can be cached, s.t. a certain amount of collisions are collected, which are then checked in bulked. This caching size can be configured.

Stern May-Ozerov using Indyk-Motwani- NN:

Apply the nearest neighbour strategy by Indyk-Motwani in the last level

TODO image
  • Technically only Dumers algorithm is implemented.

Stern May-Ozerov using Esser-Kübler-Z.- NN:

Apply the nearest neighbour algorithm by Esser-Kübler-Z. to find close elements in the last level.

TODO image
  • Technically only Dumers algorithm is implemented.


  • memory less LeeBrickell in pollard.h

Core Binding

Either via - sudo taskset -c 1 ./main or - OMP_PLACES=cores OMP_PROC_BIND=close ./main, OMP_PLACES=cores OMP_PROC_BIND=spread ./main or - for j in {0..127}; do sudo taskset -c ${j} ./main & done