
Library classes written to improve my skills

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

croc – You never stop learning

Build Status

This repository is a collection of library classes written by me, mainly for an educational purpose. I try to get them clean, well tested and documented. My target is to create correctly working classes written in good C++.

Feel free to copy, change, share, etc.

I always love to hear critique and to improve my style.

Some pointers to find your way in the repository

  • All code can be found in src. src is split into examples and lib. examples holds single .cpp files which can be compiled on their own (including dependencies) and result in an executable that demonstrates what one can do with a module. src holds all the modules
  • A module consists of three files: a header file .h, a code file .cpp, and a unit test file .t.cc. I use .cc instead of .cpp because it makes it easier to apply filters based on suffixes.
  • The unit tests are written with Boost.Test.
  • .travis.yml: configuration file to run continuous integration
  • Doxyfile: configuration file for Doxygen to create documentation in docs


I use CMake to control the dependencies. My workflow is to create a build folder in the root of the repository and execute cmake .. from inside:

mkdir build;  # create directory
cd build;     # change into it
cmake ..;     # tell CMake to prepare everything
make;         # compile the source code


You might want to install these for successful building:

  • CMake: kick off building process
  • Boost.Test: required for the unit tests


To create the documenation, install Doxygen. In the root directory:

doxygen Doxyfile; # creates `docs/` and creates documentation from source files