
A simple weather station based on an Arduino, DHT11 and DS18B20.

Primary LanguageArduino


A simple weather station based on an Arduino, DHT11 and DS18B20. See http://frack.nl/wiki/WeatherDuino (Dutch) for more details on the project.

DHT11 Library

Get it here: https://github.com/markruys/arduino-DHT This project uses a autosensing DHT11/DHT22/AM2302/RHT03 library

OneWire Library

Get it here: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_OneWire.html This OneWire library can be used without modifications.

DallasTemperature Library

Get it here: https://github.com/milesburton/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library This DallasTemperature library can be used without modifications.

Auto detection

The WeatherDuino automatically detects any onewire sensors you might have. It does this using the following procedure:

  • An empty Weatherduino (fresh from the programmer) boots
  • Finds it has no onewire addresses stored
  • Starts scanning the onewire bus
  • Finds the first (onboard device) and stores it's address in eeprom
  • waits for the 2nd sensorsboard to be connected
  • Stores its address
  • it repeats these steps untill it finds four sensors, or untill you reset the device
  • After reset the device will read the number of detected sensors from the EEPROM and use those, to restart scanning disconnect a sensor.

Serial Output

Serial Output is JSON, the output looks like this:

{ "WeatherDuino": [ { "probe": 1, "temp": 23.12, "humid", 45.00}, { "probe": 2, "temp": 15.24, "humid": 73.00 }, { "probe": 3, "temp": -10.20, "humid": 20.00 }, { "probe": 2, "temp": 0.24, "humid": 39.00 } ] }

All on a single line.

UDP output

The arduino can output udp over an ecn2860 ic, for this you need th ethercard library available here: https://github.com/jcw/ethercard

The udp packet will hold: first byte: number of probes each subsequent set of 3 bytes, for each probe: temp, temp fractions, humidity

For the ENC28J60 module, connect the following (these are etherCard defaults): Or place the ecn on the weatherduino board as shown on the silkscreen.

  • VCC -> 3.3V
  • GND -> GND
  • SCK (clock) -> pin 13 (Hardware SPI clock)
  • SO (slave out) -> pin 12 (Hardware SPI master-in)
  • SI (slave in) -> pin 11 (Hardware SPI master-out)
  • CS (chip-select) -> pin 8


The udplistener in the tools directory allows you to listen to a networked weatherduino to pick up its signals and store/send them in/to:

  • A text file
  • A sqlite database
  • A Graphite / Carbon backend
  • Stdout