#DEPRECATED Due to my employer's intellectual property policy I can't work on this project anymore. I recommend forking it if you would like updates.
Linux application that reads activity files directly from the Tomtom multisport cardio watches. The activity files will be written to the current folder using the 'YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM::SS.ttbin' filename pattern. TTBIN files can be converted using the Tomtom software or you can check my other repository for code snippets to decode them.
sudo ./extract_files
- --all Extract all the files instead of just the activity files.
- --vid=... To change the vendor id used to find the watch.
- --pid=... To change the product id used to find the watch.
- The error handling is limited as I don't completely understand the protocol used. Unplugging the watch and re-pluggin it usually fixes things.
- Running this application requires writing to the USB device, so usually 'sudo' is needed. This can be avoided by copying the 99-tomtom.rules files to '/etc/udev/rules.d'. Check the comments in the file for more details.
libusb 1.0
g++ extract_files.c -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0/ -lusb /usr/lib64/libusb-1.0.so --std=c++11 -o extract_files