- 2
Conflicting swift-collections dependencies
#254 opened by misolubarda - 4
Xcode 16/iOS 18 Issues
#255 opened by michaelgrigoryanwork - 1
Missing Path in XCFramework 'RevealServer.xcframework' as Defined by 'DebugSymbolsPath'
#251 opened by alelordelo - 0
- 2
How to add custom effects to Brightroom
#246 opened by baronha - 5
CIColorCube LUT Black & White Issue
#78 opened by elteclagol - 2
- 0
Lock crop area?
#241 opened by bettse - 3
Change image in runtime
#144 opened by kokozakotami - 1
Unable to run Demo app in xCode simulator
#231 opened by pawczak - 2
Crash from missing asset
#141 opened by marcnpopa - 2
- 2
Is there a way to load remote LUT?
#139 opened by Parth-Patoliya - 0
- 0
Readme error
#202 opened by mmdock - 2
Value of optional type 'CGImage??' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'CGImage?'
#197 opened by YongTaiSin - 1
Wrong Installation Guide link.
#186 opened by RixD - 0
Crash in ImageSource.init(image:)
#188 opened by sokalyambda - 0
Crash from SwiftUIDemo App
#187 opened by nlminh - 1
How to implement a custom filter?
#177 opened by alexacz - 1
SwiftUI implementation using iOS13
#120 opened by daweido - 0
- 1
xcode 13 SPM compile error: The package product 'BrightroomEngine' cannot be used as a dependency of this target because it uses unsafe build flags.
#172 opened by HonQii - 6
- 1
LUT Filter stock - catalog
#87 opened by muukii - 1
- 2
Xcode 13 Compile failed
#150 opened by Chen-Michael - 10
How to fix the size of the clipping area
#136 opened by Rookie131 - 2
CIFilter outputImage: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
#146 opened by HyunjoonKo - 1
Can't assign xcassets to the main target on Xcode 11
#143 opened by 4taras4 - 1
ld: library not found for -lBrightroom
#140 opened by baronha - 3
"No Such Module" after installing pods
#118 opened by daweido - 0
Invoke cropping code without showing any UI
#137 opened by rudsberg - 4
- 4
- 2
- 0
Normalize brush size in editing display
#111 opened by muukii - 0
- 27
- 2
Couldn't run project after install pods
#90 opened by FedupTech - 7
- 1
Faster previewing way - Using MTLTexture?
#77 opened by muukii - 6
Image rendering is slow
#57 opened by yu-t - 1
How to change the height of Control View?
#60 opened by Xedart - 0
How do I change or switch to a new photo?
#55 opened by LeeCenY - 1
Support for the Swift Package Manager
#59 opened by Ftrybe - 1
How to Edit the Gaussian Blur effect?
#58 opened by egitweb - 2
MosaiqueAssetsPicker permissions error
#64 opened by c0ball - 0
Dark Mode support?
#70 opened by amith-ranasinghe - 2
filter images loading issue
#66 opened by RvAgrawal