- 3
Compilation changes
#385 opened by Patol75 - 4
Installtion issues around VTK and BLAS libraries
#384 opened by sassy-crick - 6
- 2
OpenMP build broken
#375 opened by stevendargaville - 5
Compilation with petsc 3.14 on archer2
#323 opened by stevendargaville - 11
- 9
- 0
- 1
Integer overflow with big mesh
#377 opened by stevendargaville - 1
No rule to make targe
#379 opened by flbrandao - 2
add topics
#350 opened by Beliavsky - 7
Incorrect check for Python3 version
#355 opened by tmbgreaves - 0
Replace distutils by setuptools
#346 opened by Patol75 - 8
Particles "jumping"
#344 opened by jhill1 - 3
Reducing bus-factor in Fluidity infrastructure
#341 opened by tmbgreaves - 10
error: Unknown petsc major version
#342 opened by 100souci - 8
Errors generated during make run.
#343 opened by iajzenszmi - 2
Use PETSc fortran types instead of preprocessor macros
#295 opened by gnikit - 1
VTK state output out of sync with mesh adaptivity
#304 opened by gnikit - 1
Possible update for method 'sorted_nicely'
#324 opened by OshinoMoumou - 3
- 3
PETSc did not converge for matrix solve
#322 opened by LeiZ2 - 3
MPI problem
#331 opened by 100souci - 5
make test fails to find python
#329 opened by 100souci - 10
Undefined reference to vtk during make
#328 opened by 100souci - 21
Currently failing longtests and examples
#316 opened by tmbgreaves - 11
Segfaults in flredecomp from longtests
#315 opened by tmbgreaves - 7
Rename master branch to main
#312 opened by tmbgreaves - 1
Segfault in square-convection-parallel-trivial
#317 opened by stephankramer - 3
Tracking issue for messed-up push to master
#318 opened by tmbgreaves - 0
- 50
Bugfixing gcc10
#308 opened by tmbgreaves - 8
make unittest assertionerror1
#309 opened by shihaopku - 2
Support for GMSH v4
#310 opened by tmbgreaves - 1
- 0
Dead links in documentation
#305 opened by adigitoleo - 2
Division by zero in Write_State.F90
#289 opened by gnikit - 3
Jenkins unit test step not producing fail report
#285 opened by gnikit - 2
Error while compiling Fluidity with PETSc 3.14
#292 opened by Patol75 - 1
Configure not picking up BLAS and LAPACK from PETSc
#294 opened by gnikit - 2
Error while make
#290 opened by AkhilAkkapelli - 0
Goal-based adaptivity in Fluidity
#291 opened by gnikit - 0
SAM decompositioner should be removed
#288 opened by stephankramer - 4
Running Fluidity with valgrind
#281 opened by gnikit - 2
Q: Intel configuring with intel compilers
#274 opened by gnikit - 16
Scripts for building fluidity from scratch
#272 opened by ritzvik - 0
Correct way to build Fluidity
#273 opened by ngupta26 - 7
Configuration problem with python
#271 opened by ngupta26 - 1
Writing N-dim vector_field to vtk file
#270 opened by gnikit - 0
#269 opened by DanielChiri