
A Super Mario 64 Beta recreation on the Shoshinkai event.

Primary LanguageC


Welcome to Toilet Paper Project (TPP)

Hello! we've been working real hard bringing this project to all of you! Were just doing some finishing touches and we'll release project tpp!

Moveset (TPP)

beta There's so many differences from the final game compared to the beta, with even a different triple jump animation or ground pound.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

People that have been requesting questions about this project. annoying

Wheres the old TPP? (FAQ)

It became better.

Hey! Stop impersonating Fluvian! (FAQ)

I'm not. nobody owns the name Fluvian

Is this gonna be a decomp hack? (FAQ)

No. but a sm64ex-coop mod!

Make a Discord Server! (FAQ)

I already have one you can join here https://discord.gg/QXVCbdbyGy

In Construction!

Please wait for updates.
