
Various bindings for µWebSockets

Primary LanguageC++

Official bindings for µWebSockets

  • Node.js binding lives here, report issues with µWS itself over at uWebSockets repo. Report issues with the Node.js binding here.
  • Create new bindings and get them merged here.

Deployment Workflow:

Travis CI and Appveyor CI are setup for automatic continuous integration testing on commit. Publishing to NPM is also setup automatically on new tagged version.

Update package.json version in nodejs/dist/package.json to be the tag version.

"version": "0.23.0",

Push changes to master and push tags. Appveyor and Travis are setup to publish binaries on tag push.

git push # Push changes to master, CI runs automatically, make sure it works & passes all tests by checking Travis CI and Appveyor
git tag -a v0.23.0 -m 'Version 0.23.0' # Create new tag
git push --tags # Push tags independently after push to master, CI and deploy runs automatically