
A Foundry VTT module to share Data between worlds via compendia.

My Shared Compendia

A Foundry VTT module to share Data between worlds via compendia as explained by u/solfolango on r/FoundryVTT; here. Its not hard to do, but you can jumpstart your efforts and just use this module.


  1. Simply use the install module screen within the FoundryVTT setup
  2. Open you local My-Shared-Compendia/module.json
  3. Delete line 68 and 69 (downaload and manifest)

68 "download": "https://github.com/stschoelzel/My-Shared-Compendia/releases/download/1.0.0/My-Shared-Compendia.zip",
69 "manifest": "https://github.com/stschoelzel/My-Shared-Compendia/releases/download/1.0.0/module.json"

🚨 Whenever there is an update, 👏 FoundryVTT 👏 will 👏 erase 👏 your 👏 compendia 👏.

Therefore you want to prevent FoundryVTT to ever update this module.

Alternatively, and better, modify this to your own local and custom module.

Remeber that you need to unlock your compendia to add to them.

Compendia are locked by default, because every change you manually did will be reverted on an update. Thats why you need to break the update function.

Default Setup

This module comes with 8 Default compendia. One for each Type of Entity that is supported by FoundryVTT and one extra "Actors".


To change the default setup simple edit the module.json. All compendia are defined within the "packs" attribute beginning with line 10.

Theres a sample for each possible compendium Entity - so start there. Delete or change as you see fit and/or fork for your convenience.

Classes, Feats or Features

There are no enteties for Classes, Feats, Features or anything more than the seven listed available in FoundryVTT. Best practices is to use the "Item" entity for those.

For Example:

			"name": "feats",
			"label": "My Feats",
			"path": "packs/feats.db",
   "module": "My-Shared-Compendia",
			"entity": "Item"
			"name": "classes",
			"label": "My Classes",
			"path": "packs/classes.db",
   "module": "My-Shared-Compendia",
			"entity": "Item"
			"name": "class-features",
			"label": "My Class Features",
			"path": "packs/class-features.db",
   "module": "My-Shared-Compendia",
			"entity": "Item"


There a no known Dependencies. But, Compendium Folders is highly recomended.

I only intent to update this if it breaks. Anyway, delete line 67 to 70 in the module.json