
java read and write Excel file ,java Excel export

Primary LanguageJava


read and write Excel file by Java, includes .xls and .xlsx; Java Excel export;
Java Excel processing based on Apache POI

java 读写 Excel 文件,包括 .xls.xlsx 文件; Java Excel 文件导出; java 基于
Apache POI Excel 文件处理工具
Apache POI document: https://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/quick-guide.html


<!--poi is for Microsoft Excel 97 (-2003),poi-ooxml is for Microsoft Excel XML (2007+)-->



  • read local Excel file, and return result by list
  • the program has progressed the blank cell and blank row of the Excel file
  • the result of iterating the Excel is List<String[][]>,and the String[][] is
    a relular Two-dimensional array,it maybe has blank lines.
    Demo: com.ljq.utils.ExcelUtilTest


  • create local Excel file and write data to it
  • the exported Excel file path must be an the only valid ,it can't be null,or a
    directory,or an exist file,and it must be ended with ".xls" or ".xlsx"


  • 读取本地 Excel文件,并通过 List 集合返回
  • 程序中包含对空白单元格、空白行的处理
  • 返回结果为:List<String[][]>,String[][] 是一个规则的二维数组,其中可能包含空白行,
    关于返回结果的处理可以参考 test部分(com.ljq.utils.ExcelUtilTest)


  • 创建本地 Excel 文件,并将数据写入
  • 所指定创建的 Excel 文件的路径必须是唯一的有效的,不能为空,不能是目录(文件夹),不能是已经
    存在的文件,必须以 .xls 或者 .xlsx 结尾