
A simple Discord chatbot for local GPT-2 TensorFlow models

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Discord chatbot powered by OpenAI's GPT-2 model, designed to run on local TensorFlow setups.


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/FlyingFathead/Discord-GPT2-bot
cd Discord-GPT2-bot/
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Get the OpenAI GPT-2 model and tune it according to your requirements. Place the model in the corresponding subdirectory (e.g., models/124M/). Ensure that the directory contains all necessary TensorFlow model files, including vocab.bpe, encoder.json, and hparams.json.

  2. Set up the bot (see the code; fix the variables to suit your use scenario):

    • Save your Discord API bot token in token.txt (one line).
    • Define the bot's authorized users in authorized_users.txt (one username per line; syntax i.e. UserName#0 or UserName#xxxx).
  3. Optional & additional configuration

    • Feel free to configure various replacement lists for elements like unwanted URLs, words, strings, allowed channels etc. Refer to the source code for a complete list of replaceable items.
  4. Run with python Discord-GPT2-bot.py and enjoy! (?)


Talk to the bot and it should respond.


  • !goodnight - the bot shuts down (user must be in the authorized users list, authorized_users.txt by default)
  • !maxrolls x - max number of replies to a single line (x = number of replies)
  • !odds x - odds (probability) of the bot answering; 0 for 0%, 1 for 100%, use fractions like 0.5 = 50%
  • !temp x - set the model's temperature (between 0 and 2). Optimal for an optimized model usually hangs at around 1.
  • !alert - send out a test alert (for testing, debug purposes etc)


This is mostly for humorous & testing purposes, although the code works perfectly fine when set up correctly, don't expect miracles out of the bot. Actual performance depends on fine-tuning and model size, etc. -- Feel free to expand on its functionalities and adapt it to your needs.

From FlyingFathead, in collaboration with ChaosWhisperer.