A match character and pattern refresh control by Swift based in CBStoreHouseRefreshControl.
Simplified Chinese is here 简体中文.
Installing FNMatchPull by CocoaPods.
pod 'FNMatchPull', '~> 0.2'
Animation can be created by points.
let matchAnimator = FNMatchPullAnimator(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 80))
matchAnimator.startPoints = [NSValue.init(CGPoint: CGPointMake(SCREENWIDTH/2 - 30, 25)),
NSValue.init(CGPoint: CGPointMake(SCREENWIDTH/2 - 30, 55))]
matchAnimator.endPoints = [NSValue.init(CGPoint: CGPointMake(SCREENWIDTH/2 - 15 - 30, 40)),
NSValue.init(CGPoint: CGPointMake(SCREENWIDTH/2 - 15 - 30, 40))]
//refresh action
}, withAnimator: matchAnimator)
Animation can be created by English letters. Line width can be defined by yourself.
let matchAnimator = FNMatchPullAnimator(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 80))
matchAnimator.text = "FNOZ"
matchAnimator.lineWidth = 4.0
matchAnimator.style = .Text
//refresh action
}, withAnimator: matchAnimator)
The Objective-C edition is CBStoreHouseRefreshControl by coolbeet. Our FNMatchPull can transfer English letters to pattern direclty.