LaTeX Template for FH Campus Wien Thesis

This repository contains a LaTeX template designed for university theses, providing a structured format with robust version control.


  • Clean and professional layout.
  • Integrated support for citations and bibliographies.
  • Chapters, figures, tables, and appendices are well organized.


Compiling the Thesis with Citations

To generate a PDF of your thesis with updated citations, navigate to the thesis directory and run the following commands in your terminal:

cd /thesis
pdflatex thesis-main
bibtex thesis-main
pdflatex thesis-main
pdflatex thesis-main

Compiling the Thesis without Citations

To generate a PDF of your thesis without citations, navigate to the thesis directory and run the following commands in your terminal:

cd /thesis
pdflatex thesis-main

Template Structure

thesis-main.tex: The main LaTeX file which you should compile.
chapters/: Directory containing individual chapters of the thesis.
common/: Common components like declaration of authorship, abstract, abbreviations, and appendix.
images/: Directory for storing images used in the thesis.
testBib.bib: BibTeX file for bibliography.# CSDC-BA1-template

Viel Glück bei der Bachelor Arbeit !