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This plugin makes it easy to page through your model instances by enhancing the default ActiveRecord::Base#find method.  In general, you can expect pagination to work with the standard #find options, including :conditions, :group, :order, :limit, and :include.  To activate paging, just specify the :page option.  You may also provide additional paging options that will control the behavior of the enumerator returned by the #find method.  The following options are supported:

:size    => Number of records in each page of results. Defaults to the total
            record count or 10, whichever is smaller.
:current => The current page. Optional, defaults to the first page: 1.
:first   => The first page. Optional, defaults to the current page.
:auto    => Automatically load the next page during invocation of #each. Defaults to false.
:count   => Number of records used to determine #page_count. Specifying this
            option prevents the plugin from running a count query, which may 
            be helpful if the table to be queried is very large.

Note: if :page is specified, then the :offset option is not supported and an Exception to that effect will be raised.

Some handy methods you can call on the result returned by #find, when paging is enabled:

#each               => Iterate over the results
#size               => Number of records on all pages combined (total size)
#page_size          => Number of records on each page
#page_count         => Number of pages
#empty?             => Are there any results?
#to_a               => Create an array of the records on the current page, or all pages if :auto => true
#move!(num)         => Move to a specific page number
#page_exists?(num)  => Does this page number exist?
#first_page!        => Move to the first page
#first_page         => Page number of the first page
#last_page!         => Move to the last page
#last_page          => Page number of the last page
#next_page?         => Is there another page available?
#next_page!         => Move to the next page, if one exists
#next_page          => Page number of the next page
#previous_page?     => Does a previous page exist?
#previous_page!     => Move to the previous page, if one exists
#previous_page      => Page number of the previous pages
#first_item         => The index of the first item on the page
#last_item          => The index of the last item on the page
#load_page          => Reload the current page

- Simple Example -------------------------------------------------------

# Get the first page of 'new' Cogs. Each page contains
# 10 cogs, and no more than 100 cogs will be returned.
cogs = Cog.find(:all, 
                :conditions => ["category = 'new'"],
                :limit => 100)

# Print the name of each cog on the 1st page. Calling #each
# more than once will cause the 1st page to be printed for 
# each invocation.
cogs.each { |cog| puts }

# The next_page! method must be used to move to the 2nd page.

# Print the name of each cog on the 2nd page
cogs.each { |cog| puts }

- Scope Example -------------------------------------------------------

# Get the second page of 'new' Cogs, using the #with_scope method. 
# Each page contains 15 cogs, and no more than 100 cogs will be returned.
Cog.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => "category = 'new'", :include => :widget}) do
  cogs = Cog.find(:all, 
                  :limit => 100,
                  :page => { :start => 1,
                             :current => 2,
                             :size => 15 })

# Print the name of each cog on the 2nd page.
cogs.each { |cog| puts }

# Move to the 3rd page of cogs. The options specified by 
# with_scope apply, even though a new page is loaded outside 
# the with_scope block.

... more examples soon.