FoRTE-Research - EmbeddedCrypto

This project measures the efficiency of different crypto algorithms installed in different microcontrollers. We identify the "best of breed" crypto for ultra-low SWaP devices in an energy harvesting context.

  • Quantify the performance vs. energy trade space
  • Identify device features that impact this trade space the most
  • Assess the security impact when the attacker has access to intermediate results

Board Support

Candidate Boards ISA
SiFive HiFive1 Rev B RISC-V

Cryptographic Algorithm

Algorithm key size
AES 128 bit / 192 bit / 256 bit
SHA 256 bit

Curve Support

SEC Group Type strength
sect163k1 GF(2^m) 80 bit
sect163r2 GF(2^m) 80 bit
sect233k1 GF(2^m) 112 bit
sect233r1 GF(2^m) 112 bit
sect283k1 GF(2^m) 128 bit
sect283r1 GF(2^m) 128 bit
sect409k1 GF(2^m) 192 bit
sect409r1 GF(2^m) 192 bit
sect571k1 GF(2^m) 256 bit
sect571r1 GF(2^m) 256 bit
secp160r1 GF(P) 80 bit
secp192r1 GF(P) 96 bit
secp224r1 GF(P) 112 bit
secp256r1 GF(P) 128 bit
secp256k1 GF(P) 128 bit

Getting Started

Download ARM GCC commandline tools:

Select the algorithm you want to use and copy all the file inside the folder to your root folder of board.

├── ...
├── AES                    
│   ├── all.c          
│   ├── all.h         
│   └── xxx.c                
└── ...

RISC-V : Change file name ".risc_Makefile" to "Makefile".
MSP432P401R : Uncomment the definition in the file containing the main function.