
Resources access for different roles in Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Resource access manangment for different roles


go get github.com/Focinfi/roles


  1. roles.Read
  2. roles.Create
  3. roles.Update
  4. roles.Delete
  5. roles.CURD

Roler interface

Implement the Roler interface for you model struct, like User.

  type Roler interface {
    Roles() []string

Resourcer interface

Implement the Rescource interface for your Resource struct, like Book.

  type Resourcer interface {
    TableName() string

Add a role

 visitorRole := roles.Add("visitor")

Allow a role has some permissions

  // Here you have a Book struct
  type Book struct{}
  // Implement the Resourcer interface
  func (b Book) TableName() string {
    return "books"

  // Then you can allow visitors can only read and create books
  visitorRole.Allow(Book{}, roles.Read, roles.Create)

Check if one role has access of books

  // Here you have a User struct
  type User struct{}

  // Implement the Roler interface
  func (u User) Roles() []string {
    // Query from database and get this user's roles array
    return roles 

  if roels.Can(User{}, Book{}, roles.Read) {
    // do something when this user can read a book
  } else {
    // do something when this user can not read a book