
Conflux-rust is a Rust implementation of the Conflux protocol. This is Conflux-rust's docker image.


Current tags

Warning: These tags image's default.toml will config a independent chain with 10 genesis accounts (each with 1000 CFX) and all unlocked, you can use it as local Dapp develop environment. If you want run a mainnet or testnet node, you can use this image's x.x.x-mainnet or x.x.x-testnet tag.

Note: the unlock process maybe need one or two minutes.

How to run

Step 1 pull image from docker hub

$ docker pull confluxchain/conflux-rust

Step 2 run the image

Quick run a local dev node

$ docker run -p 12537:12537 --rm --name cfx-node confluxchain/conflux-rust

Run with your own config file and save data to host machine

You can attach an folder from local machine to container, which folder should contain conflux config files. You can download a zip file from Conflux-rust release page, the unziped folder will include a tethys.toml or testnet.toml then you can use this folder as Conflux-rust run context folder. When conflux client runs up, chain data will also save to this folder。

$ docker run -p 12537:12537 -v /path-to-your-config-folder:/root/run --name cfx-node confluxchain/conflux-rust

This repository's fullnode-configs folder also include mainnet and testnet's config file.


  1. Official doc - How to install and run conflux-rust
  2. How to run an Independent Chain
  3. Window 10 Conflux Studio docker setup introduction (Chinese doc)


  1. When use docker you can't use jsonrpc_local_tcp_port and jsonrpc_local_http_port, but in dev mode you can access local RPC on jsonrpc_http_port
  2. Local dev node will not connect to testnet or mainnet, it is a independent chain