
"I'm not a graduate either"


This project is a simple equation solver. It takes a polynomial equation as input and returns the solution(s) of the equation. The equation can be of any degree, but the program is limited to solving equations of degree 2 or less.

Mandatory part

  • The program must takes a polynomial equation as input.
  • The program must show the reduced form of the equation.
  • The program must show the degree of the equation.
  • The program can solve any equation of degree 2 or less.
  • The program must show the solution(s) of the equation.

Bonus part

  • The user can enter a polynomial equation with any degree if none is supplied as an argument.
  • The program plot the equation if it's degree is 2 or less.
  • The program show the discriminant of the equation if it's degree is 2.
  • The program verify the solution(s) of the equation.