Ansible Macbook Setup


  • Homebrew setup
  • Rust install
  • Rust update
  • Install Cargo binaries
  • Go install (installed with homebrew, would like to find different method)
  • Go update to latest version
  • Python version setup (using pyenv)
  • Python virtualenvs setup
  • Clone all git repos
  • Terraform install (using homebrew)
  • Terraform update (using homebrew)
  • Terragrunt install (using homebrew)
  • Terragrunt update (using homebrew)
  • Docker install (using homebrew)
  • Podman install (using homebrew)
  • Neovim install
  • Neovim update (will need to get latest tags and parse through to find the latest)
  • Tmux install
  • Dotfiles install
  • App install (spotify, chrome, firefox, etc.)?
  • Git setup
  • Break apart ansible playbook into tasks
  • Podman setup, docker alias script
  • More through iterm setup, themes etc.
  • Apple specific stuff, show hidden files, enable darkmode, etc.
  • Git authentication setup using ssh/access_token.
  • More robust language install for Go, Rust, Python (had to do two passes, and set global pyenv version to work)

Remote execute setup script

Checks for Homebrew and installs if necessary. Installs Ansible with Homebrew if necessary.

bash <(curl -s

Setup from nothing mac

Set mac to show hidden files in finder

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true
killall Finder

Add user R/W permissions to .config dir if necessary Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Ansible

brew install ansible

Clone Ansible playbook

git clone

Setup vault and become password files

echo <your vault pass> vault_pass.txt
echo <your become pass> become_pass.txt

Setup personal access token or ssh key with github