
My mods for Webliero game

Scharnvirk/Jerac's webliero mods


Webliero is an online version of excellent game Liero made by Joosa Riekkinen and released in 1998. You can play it for free in your browser at https://www.webliero.com/

How to use the mods

This repo contains my mods for the game. To use a mod:

  • download all its files (.json5 and .wlsprt files) from relevant folder
  • open chat (enter by default)
  • type /loadmod and select both mod.json5 (this contains "logic" changes of the mod) and sprites.wlsprt (this contains gfx changes of the mod)

Note, the .json5 and .wlsprt files can be named any way you want, but in my mods they will be like above.