
Tools and stuff that may be useful

Primary LanguageVim script


This repository contains some tools that are useful, with their descriptions and more info.

The objective for this repository is to have a list with all the tools that I (or someone else) may need. The ultimate goal is to be able to install and use all this tools on fresh installations of, at least, Debian-based distributions (specifically aimed at Ubuntu).

Files and directories


Shell script (POSIX complaint) to install all tools listed on tools.json.


List, on JSON format, with an object with the following fields:

  1. categories: Categories to classify the tool and facilitate searching.

  2. config: Object with information about the configuration of the tool. This object can have these values:

    1. custom: Array with location of custom config files (on this repository).
    2. default: Array with location of the default configuration files (on the system).
  3. description: String with a biref description of the tool.

  4. package: Name of the aptitude package (if any), to easily install it via apt-get, or the URL where the package can be downloaded and installed.


Directory with a customized configuration file for Vim and a couple of files for syntax highlighting. Needs Vundle.

The installed plugins are the following:

  • Vundle (required to manage every other plugin).

  • UltiSnips: Engine to allow suggestions for autocompletion.

  • AutoTags: Automatic update of tags created with ctags.

  • YouCompleteMe: Code completion.

  • YCM-Generator: Generates YouCompleteMe config files from the projects' Makefiles.

  • SuperTab: Provides compatibility for YouCompleteMe and UltiSnips, allowing autocompletion with .

  • NERDTree: Tree explorer more advanced than the default one.

  • Vebugger: Frontend compatible with GDB.

  • TagBar: Displays tags of the current file on a side window.

  • Scala: Integration of Scala into Vim.

  • PHPComplete: Improved PHP omnicompletion.

  • LOLCode: Syntax highlighting for LOLCode.

  • Java GetSet: Implements some functions to add getters and setters to an attribute on Java.

  • JavaComplete 2: Updated version of the plugin javacomplete.

  • HTML AutoCloseTag: Automatically closes HTML tags.

  • Android: Support for Android development.


Directory with custom installers.


Directory with custom uninstallers.