
Heres a small list of servers and their anticheats.


Hypixel - Watchdog (NCP Similar)
Pikanetwork - Grim
Jartexnetwork - Grim
ColdPvP - Verus
CubeCraft - Sentinel
Hycraft - Polar
Mineplex - GWEN
Kokscraft - Custom
Gamster - Intave
GommeHD - Intave
Shotbow - AAC4.4.2 in mineZ but the others idk.
Omegacraft - NCP + Vulcan (Not 100% sure just tested with commands)
zonecraft - Morgan (Better version of verusairlines https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftclients/comments/xz19ck/what_anticheat_does_zonecraft_use/)