
条形码扫描器 | Barcode scanner

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

条形码扫描器 | Barcode Scanner

简介 | Introduction

  • 一款可检测一维二维条形码的小工具。

    A tool being able to detect one-dimensional and two-dimensional barcode.

  • 本项目是探索减少使用安卓手机时所需的一个环节——由于众所周知的原因, 某大国境内绝大多数安卓手机是流氓软件的集中营。

    This project is one of steps of reaching a goal that we can use the Android phones as little as possible. As we all know, Android phones are the main carriers of rogue apps in some big country.

组成 | Components

应用程序(核心) | Application Program (The Core)

  • 硬件要求 | Hardware Requirement

    • 台式/笔记本电脑或开发板 | A desktop/laptop computer or a development board
    • USBMIPI-CSIDVP接口的摄像头 | A camera with USB, MIPI-CSI or DVP interface
  • 软件要求 | Software Requirement

    • Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 is recommended)
    • Libraries (with install commands available on Ubuntu 22.04):
      • OpenCV: sudo apt install libopencv-dev
      • ZXing-C++: sudo apt install libzxingcore-dev
      • Qt: sudo apt install qtchooser qt6-base-dev qt6-base-dev-tools
  • 编译 | Compilation

    $ cd app
    $ make seeds && make init # Only needed at the first time
    $ make # If targeting at the desktop/laptop computer
    $ # Or:
    $ make arm-release # Or "make aarch64-release", if targeting at a development board (usually ARM platform)
  • 使用示例 | Usage Examples

    $ cd app
    $ ./barcode_scanner.elf -h # Show help info.
    $ ./barcode_scanner.elf -W 1920 -H 1080 # Detect frames captured by camera with bigger resolution but without GUI window
    $ ./barcode_scanner.elf -W 1024 -H 768 --gui # Detect frames captured by camera with smaller resolution and with GUI window
    $ ./barcode_scanner.elf -s pic demo1.jpg demo2.png # Detect images. The --gui is still available but only for the final image

内核系统(可选) | Kernel (Optional)

  • 若想将应用程序部署在开发板上,则内核需要定制。 此处提供一个样例帮助你更轻松地定制自己的内核, 但切记只能参考不能生搬硬套,因为大家的板不大可能是同一款。

    If the application program is expected to run on a development board, then a customized kernel is needed. This is a demo to make your customization easier, but note that it's for reference only since your board is possibly not the same as mine.

  • 详见kernel目录。

    Enter kernel directory to see more details.

下位机(可选) | Slave Machine (Optional)

  • 若想自制USB摄像头,则可参考此样例(仍未开工)。

    If you want to make an USB camera yourself, you'll find this part helps (but it's not developed yet).

  • 详见mcu目录。

    Enter mcu directory to see more details.

许可证 | License

Apache License Version 2.0