
A template for new Flutter project.

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Template

A template for new Flutter project.



  • Multi platforms
    • Tested on Android API 32 (Pixel 4a)
  • Screens
    • Welcome screen
    • Login / SignUp Screen
    • List Screen
  • Basic components
    • Button
    • Card container
    • Scrollable page container with padding
    • Form fields (Email, passwords, text)
    • Basic shapes (circle)
  • l10n locales support
    • zh-TW
  • Services
    • Dio
    • Sample fake data
  • Data model examples
  • Theming
    • Using Material 3
  • Custom Icon Support
  • Routing: Navigator
    • Bottom Navigation Tab (Material 3)
  • Utils
    • Datetime extension
    • String extension
    • Password and email validation
    • Animation value mapping function


  1. Test build on ios device
  2. Test dio backend connection
  3. Form screen and components
  4. Detailed Login/SignUp screen
  5. Documentation for utils api and components
  6. Deep linking
  7. Notification
  8. Local storage
  9. Web support
  10. Local database
  11. In-app purchase or payment

Project Structure

│   ├───icons
│   └───images
│   ├───generated
│   │   └───intl
│   ├───l10n
│   ├───models
│   │   └───api
│   ├───services
│   ├───theme
│   ├───utils
│   └───views
│       ├───widgets
│       ├───screens
│       └───route.dart



  1. Install Flutter


  1. git clone this repository
  2. flutter pub get to get all dependencies


Change Package Name

  1. Replace all flutter_template with the new app name (separate word by underscore _)
  2. Change com.example.flutter_template (android) and com.example.flutterTemplate (ios) to the new package name

Change App Title

  1. Change title in lib/utils/config.dart
  2. Change android:label in android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml
  3. Change "Flutter Template" in ios\Runner\Info.plist (CFBundleDisplayName)

Change App Icon

  1. Replace assets/icons/icon.png with the new icon image
  2. Add a line flutter.minSdkVersion=16 in android/local.properties
  3. flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main


To add string value to existing locale (zh-TW):

  1. Get Flutter Intl Extension (for VS Code)
  2. Add key-value pair in lib/i10n/intl_zh_Hant_TW.arb
  3. Save and the extension will generate .dart code automatically

For adding locales or further information, please refer to the documentation at the extension page.


  1. flutter build android

Upgrade SDK

Update to newer flutter version:

  1. flutter channel stable
  2. flutter upgrade
  3. flutter pub upgrade