
Multipage Dash App that can be viewed extrernally to JupyterHub by leveraging Jupyter Proxy

Primary LanguagePython

Multipage Dash App

A Multipage dash app that is compatable with Jupyter Proxy.

This multipage dash app will run inside JupyterHub and allow external viewing by leveraging Jupyter Proxy.

BAsic App Runnung In Browser

Attaching Dashboards

This example comes with placeholder text instead of 3 actual dashboards.

To attach your dashboards you can put them here:


The dashboards are not the purpose of this repo, this is just a framework demonstrating how to host multiple dashboards with a menu to select between them.

Environment Setup


python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


python -m venv .venv
source .\.venv\scripts\activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Set these for viewing externally:

url_prefix= f"/user/{username}/proxy/{port}/"

Or to view locally set it to:

url_prefix= "/"

This leaves us where the whole local/external viewing is determined by url_prefix which is handy.

Run Dash App

make run-windows # Assumes you have activated the venv and installed as above
make run-linux   # If you are running in a Linux environment

View Externally

With the url_prefix set to the string used for external viewing, you can view the dash here:


Example using the values in main: https://example.com/user/email@example.com/proxy/8050/