
[javascript, dom]


#Selecting from Reddit's DOM

We're going to practice some JavaScript based DOM manipulation and traversal in the browser.

Go to reddit and open the JavaScript console (cmd + option + j). Then try to complete the following tasks.


Use getElementById to do the following:

  • find the page header and change it's background color.
  • find the element with the id header-bottom-right and change it's html to say "Hello NAME" (replace "NAME" with your name and make it bold)


Use getElementsByClassName to find every thumbnail and resize them to 20x20 pixels. (hint: you'll need to use a loop)


Use getElementsByTagName to add a red background to all links on the page.


Use querySelector to:

  • change the score of the 3rd post on the page.
  • change the text in the search box
    • use .value


Use querySelectorAll to change (re-number) the ranks of the posts so they start from zero instead of 1. (hint: you'll need to use a loop)


Use addEventListener to add a 'click' event to the 'body' tag that changes the background color of the body. (hint: utilize the style property')


  • Try the getElementById, getElementByClassName, and getElementsByTagName items with query selector.
  • Try the querySelector items using getElement....
  • For additional practice try changing other elements of the page using javascript.