Zuku Apartments

Rails Postgres Bootstrap React Redux


Zuku Apartments is a Web application that allows users to sign in and make reservations for an apartment of their choice.

Api Documentation

You can review the documentation for the API here.

This is the frontend repository

Getting Started

If you have Rails 7 installed, you can skip to the Setup section

Clone Repo

First clone this repo by running this command in your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/ForHemer/Zuku-Apartments-Backend
# wait a couple seconds for it to download
# ...
# ...
# then move into the new directory
cd Zuku-Apartments-Backend


The following technologies must be installed before hand in your local machine:

  • Ruby (ruby --version). Should be 3.0.1 or newer.
  • Postgres ('pg', '~> 1.1')
  • Node.js (node --version)

The commands in parenthesis () can be used to verify if they are installed and their corresponding versions.

Refer to Section 3 from the official Rails Guide for more detailed instructions on how to install these technologies.

Install Rails

Once that's done, we can install Rails. For that, run these commands in your terminal:

gem install rails
# wait a few seconds for it to download
# ...
# ...
# verify that it was installed by running
rails --version

Live Demo 🌐



We're getting there... trust me ;)

Create the master key Open the config folder and create a file named: master.key Once it's created copy and paste the following key in it c85342027fd152ab710875e906e61aa8 Do not press space or enter after pasting the key, just save.

System Dependencies

Execute this command to automatically install all the dependencies needed to view and work on this project:

bundle install

The full list of dependencies can be found within the Gemfile.

This also installs PostgreSQL, which you'll need for the next step.

Database Initialization

To initialize the database we just created, now run:

rails db:setup

or if you experienced issues, run the following sequence

rails db:drop
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed


Start Server

The following command should start a server

rails server

Which you can visit by going to http://localhost:3001 in your browser.

Testing RSpec

RSpec tests belong in another folder, which is /spec, all thanks to the ruby magic called naming conventions. Anyway, to run tests located in the spec folder run:

bundle exec rspec spec

Entity relationship diagram (ERD)

Screenshot from 2022-08-15 20-54-00

Kanban board

Here is the initial state and final state of the kanban board.

Final number of team members: 3


👤 Hemerson Foreste
GitHub: @ForHemer
Twitter: @HemersonForeste
LinkedIn: Hemerson Foreste

👤 Firdavs Allamurotov
GitHub: @fed1k
LinkedIn: Firdavs Allamurotov

👤 Have Samuel Kabareebe
GitHub: @Have-Samuel
Twitter: @@samhave1
LinkedIn: Have Samuel Kabareebe

🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


Original design Vespa by Murat Korkmaz on Behance

The ideas and inspiration from this project are coming from this online school of software development:

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.