
Decision game on python. I decided to explore the functional paradigm using classes and functions to determine our characters statuses just like an old-school RPG.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PORTUGUES: Wilson, o náufrago Wilson decidiu beber vinho e manejar seu avião. Má idéia! Acabou caindo em uma ilha deserta na costa paulista cheia de cobras! Agora ele precisa avisar os seus parentes do seu paradeiro. Acontece que Wilson não tem uma boa relação com a sua família e necessita convencê-los a virem buscá-lo. Ajude Wilson a escrever cartas convincentes e enviá-las à sua família, através de suas garrafas de vinho. Mas lembre-se de manter o nosso amigo hidratado e longe das cobras!

ENGLISH: Wilson, the castway Wilson decided to drink wine and drive his airpline. Bad idea! He ended up crashing his plane on a desert island, full of snakes! Yikes! Now he needs to send a message to his family of his whereabouts. Since Wilson does not have a very heartwarming relationship with his relatives, he has to convince his family to come pick him up. Help him write letters and send them inside his wine bottles. But remember to keep our friend hydrated and away from the snakes!

This game is part of the first project from the IronHack course, to create a game using tools learned on the past 4 days of studies (Classes, Functions/Methods, Parameters, For/While loops, If-Else, etc.) I decided to explore the functional paradigm for characters statuses just like an old-school RPG.