Cache an async function for generating a JSON Web Token
yarn add jwt-cache
import jwtCache from 'jwt-cache';
const cache = jwtCache({
getToken: async () => {
// this could be slow code for generating a JSON Web Token
// with an expiry represented via the standard "exp" value
return sign({hello: 'world'}, `my_secret`, {expiresIn: 3});
// If the token will not be valid for this many ms, get
// a new token rather than returning the cached token
// Defaults to 1 second
minimumValidityMilliseconds: 100,
// Optionally eagerly fetch a token before it is needed.
// This will trigger fetching a new token this many ms
// before it would reach the minimum validity threshold
eagerRefreshMilliseconds: 100,
// When you need a token:
cache.getToken().then((token) => {
// use the token here