Results may vary A LOT when attacking!
It might peak at 40k rq/s and drop down to 2k rq/s or peak at 169 requests per second, just so you know!
The webdrivers used for the Browser Emulation attack are Windows 64 bit executables, replace them if you need to!!
Amyntas is a layer 7 DoS toolkit, with a wide variety of attack methods and the capabilities to bypass caching systems.
Use at your own risk! I, the author, am not responsible for any harm you do! Keep that in mind!
Aviable methods
- GET (simple GET flood)
- HEAD (simple HEAD flood)
- POST (simple POST flood)
- FAST (a GET / flood)
- GHP/GETHEADPOST (a flood which randomly chooses GET, HEAD or POST as request method)
- LEECH (a low & slow HTTP GET flood which can drain A LOT of bandwith)
- MIX (a method which randomly chooses HTTP request methods)
- IPv6 support
- Cache bypassing mechanisms
- Random headers (user agents, referers)
- Real time "worker" system
- Supports custom user-agent and referer
- Proxy support (Rotating proxies coming soon)
- Attack does not end when you want it to end
- More methods
- More documentation
All options:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET Target URL (Example: or
-p PORT, --port PORT Target port (Leave empty to let the tool decide)
-d DURATION, --duration DURATION Attack duration
--proxy PROXY Use a proxy when attacking (Example:
--proxy-type PROXY_TYPE Set the proxy type (HTTP, SOCKS4 or SOCKS5)
--proxy-user PROXY_USER Proxy username
--proxy-pass PROXY_PASS Proxy password
--proxy-resolve Resolve host using proxy (needed for hidden service targets)
-ua USERAGENT, --user-agent USERAGENT User agent to use when attacking, else its dynamic
-ref REFERER, --referer REFERER Referer to use when attacking, else its dynamic
-w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS Amount of workers/threads to use when attacking
-dbg, --debug Print info for devs
-bc, --bypass-cache Bypass the cache of the site
-m METHOD, --method METHOD Method to use when attacking (default: GET)
-dfw, --detect-firewall Detect if the target site is protected by a firewall
Basic usage:
python3 -t
GET flood, attacking with 100 threads for 1337 seconds:
python3 -t -w 700 -d 40
POST flood, attacking with 700 threads for 40 seconds:
python3 -t -w 700 -m POST -d 40