
Simple script that shows up to two crypto candle bar graphs on a 2.13in e-Paper display, also has support for PiSugar2 battery The script will iterate over a given list of cryptos



  1. RaspberryPi Zero WH
  2. Waveshare 2.13inch E-Ink display (
  3. PiSugar2 battery (

Getting started

  1. Install OS
  2. Enable SPI (for WaveShare)
    • sudo raspi-config
    • Interface Options > SPI > Enable
    • reboot
  3. Enable I2C (for PiSugar2)
    • Same as 2) but select I2C instead of SPI
    • sudo apt install i2c-tools
  4. Install Git
    • sudo apt install git
  5. Install python3
    • sudo apt install python3
  6. Install pip
  7. Clone project
  8. Install required pip dependencies:
    • sudo apt install python3-dev # required for spidev
    • sudo apt install libjpeg-dev # required for Pillow
    • sudo apt install libopenjp2-7 # required for Pillow
    • sudo apt install libtiff5 # required for Pillow
    • sudo apt install python-pip # required for RPi
    • sudo apt install python3-rpi.gpio # required for RPi
    • sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev # required for numpy
    • sudo pip3 install spidev
    • sudo pip3 install requests
    • sudo pip3 install pytz
    • sudo pip3 install numpy
    • sudo pip3 install Pillow
    • sudo pip3 install RPi
  9. python3 [list of crypto to iterate over]:
    • $ python3 btc eth