Overlook Hotel

  • Click HERE to view the project spec
  • Click HERE to access the Overlook-API (you will need this to run the website locally)

Table of Contents


Overlook Hotel is a hotel appointment application that allows a customer to book an room for a future visit.

Tech Used

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • Sass
  • Mocha/Chai for testing
  • Fetch API to retrieve and add data (bookings, customers, rooms)

Installation and Set-Up

To install this project, please see below:

1. Clone down this Repository using `git clone`
2. Run `npm install` to install library dependancies
3. Next, run `npm start` and go to `http://localhost:8080/` to view the website
4. To access the data this site is built upon, clone down the Overlook-api using `git clone` into another terminal window (keep the localhost above running)
5. Run `npm install` and `npm start`

After following these steps, you should have access to the fully functioning website.


  • Login page
    • Separate login credentials for Customer vs. Manager (see instructions below)
  • Customer Portal:
    • Customer can view all past, present, and future bookings on portal landing page
    • Customer can see how much money they've spent on all rooms
    • Customer can book rooms for today or upcoming dates, and can filter by room type while searching
    • 100% Chrome Lighthouse Accessibility Audit Score(before login screen was created)

See the Site in Action

To log into the customer side, a user can log in using the following credentials:

username: customer50 (choose a number 01-50 to access different customers)

password: overlook2021


Upon Loggin in, the customer should see a dashboard/home page that shows:

  • Any room bookings they have made (past or present/upcoming) and the total amount they have spent on rooms.


They should be able to select a date for which they would like to book a room. Upon selecting a date:

  • the customer should be shown a list of room details for only rooms that are available on that date.
  • Then they can filter down those available rooms by room type.

Finally a customer should be able to select a room for booking.


In the event that no rooms are available for the date/roomType selected, display a message fiercely apologizing to the user and asking them to adjust their room search.

Future Goals

  • Create a manager login and views
  • Apply some more cscc styling especially some fun animations

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