
various configurations for various packages

Primary LanguageShell

Material Oceanized configuration for Bspwm and others.


  • *NIX system
  • An already setup KDE Plasma installation(checkout bspwm branch for bspwm only setup)
  • bspwm
  • sxhkd
  • picom-jonaburg
  • Zsh
  • Prezto
  • Tmux
  • GTK Theme
  • Plasma Theme
  • Latte-Dock-git
  • required programs
    • pulseaudio (audio support)
    • dunst (notifcations daemon)
    • rofi (applications window)
    • ksuperkey (map meta to open rofi)
    • light (brightness control)
    • playerctl (control current player with media keys)
    • flameshot (for taking screenshots)
    • greenclip (clipboard history)



  • git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Blacksuan19/Dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
  • cd ~/.dotfiles
  • bash install.sh to install everything (including fonts).

After Installation to do

  • bash once.sh if on a clean install.
  • set plasma themes.
  • select split beauty layout for latte dock.


keyboard shortcuts

Shortcuts are controlled by sxhkd, since there are no default applications handler you can set your default apps from sxhkd settings

key function
win key(mod/super) launch rofi
super + F1 show keyboard shortcuts in a window
super + w launch browser (default is google chrome)
super + Enter launch terminal (default is kitty)
super + f launch file manager (default is vifm)
super + shift + r reload sxhkd settings
super + q kill current window
super + g swap current window with the biggest
super + F9 set window to tiled
super + F10 set window to floating
super + F11 set window to full screen
super + {h,j,k,l} focus the window on left, below, above, right respectively
super + Tab focus last desktop
super + shift + 1-9 move window to desktop number 1-9
super + brackets focus window on left, right monitor
super + alt + {h,j,k,l} expand window on given side
ctrl + alt + {h,j,k,l} contract window on given side
super + direction move floating window on given direction
print take a full screenshot
print + shift launch flameshot area selection
super + v launch clipboard
super + s launch spotify
super + t launch telegram









