
String ID fields in MySQL?

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I have a MySQL database that I tried hooking Forest Admin up to. I had two issues during the project setup:

  1. I first tried to set it up on a bastion box but wasn't able to open the project in ForestAdmin. In the console I saw that it was apparently hard-coded to go to localhost even thought I entered the bastion's IP during the setup. I worked around this by installing it locally so this wasn't a total blocker but I wanted to report it. If you hit this point you can't proceed because you get stuck at the "enter your password" prompt when opening the project in the admin panel, and you can't adjust the project settings.

  2. My database has some tables with some non-integer primary key fields, they're strings. If I try to create records with default settings I get an error because the IDs aren't auto-generated by MySQL. I can adjust the settings in ForestAdmin to make the IDs not read-only, but then I can't enter an ID. It seems to be hard coded to assume the ID is an integer and only allow those to be entered.

Closing as no longer relevant.