- 1
String ID fields in MySQL?
#232 opened by crrobinson14 - 4
Are there any plans to use typescript for Lumber, or are there any options there
#479 opened by danhawkins - 0
- 0
throw new TypeError('Router.use() requires a middleware function but got a ' + gettype(fn))
#583 opened by jomoljaison - 2
Fix audit vulnerabilities for lodash and handlebars
#579 opened by mario-grx - 0
- 0
Using GraphQL API as datasource
#567 opened by Jason-zyshen - 0
The automated release is failing šØ
#541 opened by forest-bot - 7
Model creation error: A column called 'id' was added to the attributes but not marked with 'primaryKey: true'
#254 opened by valecarlos - 0
Lumber generate fails with "Your database looks empty! Please create some collections before running the command."
#538 opened by rberrelleza - 1
Extending rich text editor
#425 opened by hellokvn - 2
view codes does not work
#440 opened by perfectwebtech - 13
- 1
DATABASE_URL hard-coded in docker-compose.yml
#439 opened by albertinator - 2
- 4
Error Generating
#251 opened by sm-tradeboox - 0
- 1
There is no images inside
#433 opened by pahaz - 7
Stuck Connection to database
#441 opened by ardyfeb - 1
(node:89175) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: SequelizeAccessDeniedError: Access denied for user 'samplebloguser'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at ConnectionManager.connect
#460 opened by rhythm98 - 3
- 1
- 0
- 1
HasMany relationship. Mongoose
#397 opened by lomkovsky - 2
Customize the Table view
#396 opened by lomkovsky - 2
Inheritance in one collection. Mongoose
#398 opened by lomkovsky - 1
Unprocessable Entity Error - No fix
#387 opened by tpfwrz - 1
Routes do not work (UUID serialization error)
#399 opened by dDoom - 3
Deployment - How to deploy into Azure function
#230 opened by ductranit - 1
Cannot POST //sessions
#263 opened by iCoderzDev - 3
MongoError - "invalid for/in left-hand side"
#360 opened by jordymalonda - 4
- 3
SequelizeDatabaseError when using MySQL db
#256 opened by thomasfaller - 3
- 2
- 1
Support for TypeORM
#261 opened by ernaneluis - 4
Lumber update generating invalid camelCase fields
#250 opened by JoeAlamo - 2
- 1
- 6
Install forest-admin plugin fails: self signed certificate in certificate chain
#294 opened by Sorok-Dva - 1
Error when generate an app with MongoDB when having view (CommandNotSupportedOnView)
#265 opened by gianpaj - 3
[*] Lumber Generate - Specifying option --email does not work if already logged in
#228 opened by VincentMolinie - 5
Update is not possible when using SSL
#234 opened by Ni0rd - 6
- 5
No description found for "databasechangeloglock" table. Check the table name and schema; remember, they _are_ case sensitive.
#223 opened by psantwani - 1
[-] Performance - Add a maxAge to the default CORSĀ configuration to reduce the number of OPTIONS calls
#226 opened by arnaudbesnier - 5
- 1
- 4
Lumber Install Issues
#225 opened by LiquidNexxus - 1 connecting to wrong URI
#224 opened by SpekkoRice