
Error when generate an app with MongoDB when having view (CommandNotSupportedOnView)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

$ lumber generate -c mongodb://localhost/data Proj

? What's the database schema? [optional]
? Does your database require a SSL connection?  No
? What's the IP/hostname on which your application will be running?  localhost
? What's the port on which your application will be running?  3310
> Cannot generate your project.
> An unexpected error occured. Please create a Github issue with following error:
{ MongoError: Namespace onova-data.orders_completed is a view, not a collection
    at Connection.<anonymous> (/opt/bitnami/nodejs/lib/node_modules/lumber-cli/node_modules/mongodb/lib/core/connection/pool.js:466:61)


  • Lumber Package Version: 2.4.0
  • Database Dialect: ?
  • Database Version: MongoDB v4.0.12

Hi @gianpaj! Thank you for your contribution!

I just submitted a Pull Request here to fix your problem: #289. 🎉. It should be merged soon and be released in the next Lumber release. Stay tuned!