
Error Generating

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Testing Lumber for the first time, am quite disappointed that I can't even do the simple project generating step.

$ lumber generate -c postgres://testusr0:testpw0@localhost:5432/testdb0 Lumbr
? Does your database require a SSL connection?  No
? What's the IP/hostname on which your application will be running?  localhost
? What's the port on which your application will be running?  3000
> Your database is empty.
> Please, create some tables before running generate command.

Obviously my database is not empty!

/Applications/ -p5432 "testdb0"
rhodium:~ sm$ /Applications/ -p5432 "testdb0"
psql (11.3)
Type "help" for help.

testdb0=# \d
           List of relations
 Schema |    Name    | Type  |  Owner  
 public | actionlist | table | smishra
 public | entitynet  | table | smishra
(2 rows)

Using --

$ lumber -V

Hi @sm-tradeboox, thanks for the feedback.
Maybe it is an error message issue.

Does your testusr0 have access to one of those 2 tables?

Hi. Yes, user is owner of both tables. Both tables were created by the same user as the login credentials.

Hi @sm-tradeboox! Sorry for late answer 😓

It seems lumber generate did not asked you for a schema, which is not the normal behavior! It may be a resolved issue, since I can not reproduce the problem anymore (I am prompted for a schema in all my tests). Could you try again after upgrading your lumber install (e.g npm i -g lumber-cli@latest) with this command (I added a --schema public to avoid prompt)

lumber generate -c postgres://testusr0:testpw0@localhost:5432/testdb0 --schema public Lumbr

Let me close this issue, feel free to reopen if you still facing this issue.