Algorithm for Spatial Mismatch and Systematic Prediction Error Corrected cAscade Random Forests (SCARF) using Landsat time series. Please contact Yingchun Fu ( or at School of Geography, South China Normal University if you have any questions.
The code contains two files, SCARF_SLR.R and BC_SLR.R. Instructions for use are given below:
Step 1: Pack and download the code locally;
Step 2: Use R to run SCARF_SLR.R, which is the main code of the code;
Note: BC_SLR.R contains the algorithm code that SCARF_SLR.R needs to call, please put it in the same directory with SCARF_SLR.R file.
It is a draft version and the clean version code and data will be updated at soon.
Please cite the following paper: Fu, Y., Li, R., Zhu, Z., Xue, Y., Ding, H., Wang, X., Na, J., Xia, W., SCARF: A new algorithm for continuous estimation of biomass dynamics using machine learning and Landsat time series. Remote Sensing of Environment,