
Alfred workflow to convert between currencies

Primary LanguagePython

Currency exchange worflow for Alfred 2 and 3

Convert between currencies (including Bitcoin) from Alfred using the cur keyword.



  • cur USD EUR - Shows the exchange rate between USD and EUR
  • cur USD - Shows the exchange rate between USD and the default to currency
  • cur — Shows the exchange rate between the default rates
  • cur 100 EUR USD — Converts 100 EUR to USD
  • cur 100 EUR — If you only type in one currency, it will convert from that to the default to currencies
  • cur 100 — If you omit currencies, it will convert between the default ones
  • Press enter to copy the result to the clipboard

Setting default currencies

  • cur from USD — Sets the default from currency
  • cur to COP — Sets the default to currency
  • cur to COP EUR — Sets the default to currencies to COP and EUR