
Single Image Haze Removal Using AODNet in Pytorch

Primary LanguagePython


Single Image Haze Removal Using AODNet in Pytorch


  1. Dependency
  2. Usage
  3. Results
  4. References


 Python 3.6 or newer
 torch == 1.7.1
 pillow == 5.1.0
 numpy == 1.14.3
 matplotlib == 2.2.2


  • How to Use : download the whole project and run inference.py
  • folder ./saved_models : where the trained models are saved, files are in .pth format.
  • folder ./data/gt : groundtruth (haze free images) of the training data.
  • folder ./data/hazy : corresponding hazy images of the training data.
  • folder ./test_images : some testing images that appear in the original paper.
  • data.py : function that loads the training data.
  • train.py : train a new AODNet from scratch using training data saved in folder ./data/.
  • model.py : definition of AODNet.
  • utils.py : some auxiliary functions.
  • inference.py : single image dehazing using the trained AODNet.



Author : Boyi Li, Xiulian Peng, Zhangyang Wang, Jizheng Xu, Dan Feng