Complete, cross-platform, managed wrapper around the GLFW library for creating native windows with an OpenGL context.
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Update Nuget Package
#51 opened by Tacodiva - 5
AOT - Ahead of Time | native code compiling
#52 opened by Terjokan - 0
Glfw SetWindowPositionCallback Bug
#49 opened by 16BinaryDigits - 0
Calling .Fullscreen() causes an exception.
#50 opened by danielbisar - 1
GLFW.Exception: Cannot set swap interval without a current OpenGL or OpenGL ES context
#48 opened by ameijboom - 3
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Resizing Problem when using Skia
#45 opened by sawcce - 2
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Application crashes when running on x86
#38 opened by pozzer3 - 0
MouseEventArgs.cs Where is Type "Point"
#43 opened - 1
AcessViolation in FileDrop event
#32 opened by Ruannilton - 1
Build GLFW-Net in .NET 5 ?
#39 opened by Catdll - 2
GLFW.Exception WGL: OpenGL profile requested but WGL_ARB_create_context_profile is unavailable
#41 opened by RpxdYTX - 2
GLFW doesn't initialize
#40 opened by Panthr75 - 4
A callback was made on a garbage collected delegate of type 'GLFW.NET!GLFW.MouseCallback::Invoke'.
#36 opened by pozzer3 - 2
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Possibility to use as nuget package
#24 opened by HuskyNator - 10
Why GLFW.NET does't see the Vulkan?
#33 opened by fembiba - 4
Gamepad and Joystick classes
#5 opened by ForeverZer0 - 5
Default Native Library Name
#8 opened by ForeverZer0 - 2
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Glfw.GetKeyName(Keys key, int scanCode) throws internal exception when used with non-printable key
#28 opened by SuperS1405 - 1
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How do I get the Example projects to run?
#26 opened by BjarkeCK - 1
NativeWindow.OnFileDrop hardcoded for 32 bit pointers, crashes on 64 bit Windows
#25 opened by SirIntruder - 3
KeyCallback handle throws AccessViolation
#23 opened by HuskyNator - 1
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library won't find
#21 opened by SamHSmith - 1
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PollEvents throws an Execution Engine Exception
#19 opened by KreideGit - 1
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Create Examples
#6 opened by ForeverZer0 - 0
Add Annotations
#13 opened by ForeverZer0 - 1
Missing Native Functions
#14 opened by ForeverZer0 - 7
Exception is thrown when I create a GameWindow using Monitors static property
#10 opened by santoro-mariano - 2
#9 opened by gtsiros - 2
Expunge references to "Game"
#4 opened by wyckster - 5
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