Wrapper for AppAuthJS to assist with silent token acquisition and renewal
- 0
- 0
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'clientId'): appAuthHelperFetchTokensBundle.js:46:635
#67 opened by dahousecat - 0
- 0
- 2
identityProxy reference is lost in appAuthServiceWorker.js even with keepAlive message
#53 opened by MichaelRedfernAu - 0
- 0
npm run build -- fails
#59 opened by Serge-Libotte - 1
Support OpenID Connect Discovery
#48 opened by alexandroid - 0
Define Typescript types
#49 opened by alexandroid - 1
scopes not respected by init
#41 opened by justin-barca-at-camis - 2
- 0
- 2
Silent authentication that needs user prompt doesn't call interactionRequiredHandler
#27 opened by fetimo - 3
appAuthHelper loses reference to ``
#26 opened by fetimo - 13
Browsers support
#13 opened by wan54 - 8
accessToken not being renewed?
#16 opened by cchew - 0
- 1
- 5
- 5
Upgrading to 0.3.1 from 0.2.0
#12 opened by wan54 - 2
- 1
Usage without iFrame?
#2 opened by LUS1N