
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PingOne Risk Initialize NodeProvide Signal SDK configuration attribute, and instruct the client to initialize the Signal SDK.
PingOne Risk Evaluation NodeHandle requests and responses from clients, analyze risk results, and route to outcome. 
PingOne Risk Result NodeUpdate evaluation authentication status.
PingOne Worker Service

Manage PingOne AccessToken, Client Credential OAuth2 Request to PingOne Platform, and cache the AccessToken.

This component can be reused by other PingOne integrations. For example, PingOne Verify.

PingOne Protect ServiceAs API Client to PingOne Protect APIs.

A typical journey to use OTP when Risk is High.

PingOne Worker Service

Work with the PingOne Worker Application (With Roles Environment Admin and Identity Data Admin) and retrieve a Client Credential Grant Access Token, the Access Token will be cached until expires or the service configuration is updated.

Refer to PingOne Service for setting up

Support Multiple PingOne Worker, each worker works with each PingOne Application

PingOne Protect Initialize Node

Instruct the client to initialize the SDK




Property usage
PingOne Worker Service ID The ID of the PingOne worker service for connecting to PingOne.
Enable SDK Logs When enabled, output SDK log messages in the developer console. Default is not enabled.
Custom Host Custom Host to retrieve the "Pong" token.
Disable Hub When selected, the client stores device data in the browser's localStorage only. When not selected (the default), an iframe is used.
Device Attributes To Ignore A list of device attributes to ignore when collecting device signals.
Lazy Metadata When enabled, calculate the metadata only on getData invocation, otherwise do it automatically on init. default is false
Collect Behavioral Data When enabled (the default), collect behavioral data. When not enabled, behavioral data is not collected.
Disable Tags When enabled the SDK will collect tag data. When not enabled (the default), tag data is not collected.
Device Key Rsync Intervals (days) Number of days used to window the next time the device attestation should use the device fallback key. default is 14 days
Enable Trust Tie the device payload to a non-extractable crypto key stored on the browser for content authenticity verification





Successfully initialized


Error initializing

PingOne Protect Evaluation Node

Provide input to the Create Risk Evaluation API and evaluate response.

The Node parses part of the API response and routes to the corresponding outcome (according to the best practice, it should use score-based policies):


Must have initialized the PingOne Service successfully before continuing to this node


Property Usage
Target App ID The ID of the target application.
PingOne Worker Service ID The ID of the PingOne worker service for connecting to PingOne.
Risk Policy Set ID The ID of the risk policy set.

If not specified, the environment's default risk policy set is used.
Score Threshold Scoring higher than this value results in evaluation continuing along the Exceeds Score Threshold outcome.
Flow Type The type of flow or event for which the risk evaluation is being carried out. Choose from:
  • REGISTRATION - initial registration of an account
  • AUTHENTICATION - standard authentication for login or actions such as password change
  • ACCESS - verification of whether user can access the relevant application
  • AUTHORIZATION - verification of whether user is authorized to perform a specific action such as a profile change
  • TRANSACTION - authentication carried out in the context of a purchase or other one-time transaction
Device Sharing Type Whether the device is shared between users or not.

Node State Attribute For User ID The node state variable that contains the user.id as it appears in PingOne Protect.

If left blank, the node uses the current context UserId as the user.id.
Node State Attribute For Username The node state variable that contains the user.name as it appears in PingOne Protect.

If left blank, the node uses the current context Username as the user.name.
User Type The type of user associated with the event.

Choose from PING_ONE or EXTERNAL.
Pause Behavioral Data After receiving the device signal, instruct the client to pause collecting behavioral data.
Store Risk Evaluation Stores the risk evaluation response in node state under a key named PingOneProtectEvaluationNode.RISK.

Note: The key is empty if the node is unable to retrieve a risk evaluation from PingOne.
Recommended Actions A list of recommended actions the risk evaluation could return. Each entry in the list becomes a node outcome. If the score does not exceed the threshold and a recommended action is present in the evaluation, the journey continues down the matching entry in this list.
result.score > ${score limit} Exceed Score ThresholdThe risk is too high, recommend not to accept the authentication
result.level = HIGHHighHigh-Risk
result.level = MEDIUMMediumMedium-Risk
result.level = LOWLowLow-Risk

<Configurable Outcome>If result with recommendedAction, and match with the predefined "Recommended Actions", the Node will route to the recommended Action outcome.

FailureAny failure to retrieve the API result, e.g. Invalid Access Token, Network Error, API Error, etc...

ClientErrorsAny error from the client or SDK

After successfully calling the API, the Shared State "PingOneRiskEvaluationNode.riskEvalID" will be set with the created ID, and later on we need to use the riskEvalID to update the evaluation status with PingOne Risk Result Node.

Outcome result precedence

Exceed Score Threshold)→ Recommended Action (When response with recommendedAction and match with predefined→ Level



What the user scored with the Evaluation

Risk Level

The level of risk the user poses



User poses a High risk


User poses a Medium risk


User poses a Low risk


User exceeded the risk


Evaluation failed for the user


An error occurred causing the evaluation to fail

PingOne Protect Result Node

Update the final authentication result, so that the Risk Evaluation learns the result of the risk evaluation.


Risk level


Property Usage
Completion Status The state of the transaction. Options are FAILED and SUCCESS.


Risk result



Went through the evaluation process


If these nodes log an error, review the log messages the find the reason for the error and address the issue appropriately.

Example journey