
This is as the name implies. The solutions of which go here. Both for educational and work purposes. Or building personal experience for getting into the tech field.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


     This is as the name implies. The solutions of which go here. Both for educational and work purposes. Or building personal experience for getting into the tech field. Communication is important, including knowing how NOT to say it. This is also for those who are looking for a simple way to change from a crap to a better one.
     People who work in the fast food industry don't get a fair wage. And, I am tired of being treated like dirt by crap employers. So, as a result of people being assholes to one another about money, politics and other forms of interaction, now a machine can aide the Affected. Now the effect is going to be that their will be code to out-perform them. Likely in many domains. Including how to build a version of the cloud they can host within their cellphones.
     This repository will include:
        * python code
        * linux command line code for using docker
        * tips, tricks, and hints for getting chatGPT-3 to get closer what you were looking on
        * ways to brush up on communication skills
        * how to communicate the things you need debugged

There will also by content on my youtube channel so you may also use it as a guide as well. From the youtube content, you'll be able to use google image search to get the code, if not template from it as you see it on screen or read it. Any and all code I can get it to produce will be tested by hand. That includes edits done by hand. While I know what I am doing, others may not and need a really good example to work off of.

A lot of the code is from the bot itself. Test and use at your own discression. Note that reporting bugs will help some. The rest of the bugs you'll have to hunt and manage yourself depending on the thing you're trying to do.