
Read novel from xbqg in your terminal easily. Awesome features: bookcase, update watching, interactive mode, pagewarner, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


简体中文 | English


I once had a Macbook and it broke down. I managed to enter Recovery mode and happily found Terminal.app and Safari there. But that Safari was too old so I wrote a bash script to read novel. I thought reading in a terminal is nice so I migrate the script to node.js and added some awesome features after I got a new laptop.


  1. Download

    $ git clone https://github.com/ForkKILLET/TerminalXbqg.git
    $ cd TerminalXbqg
    $ yarn
    $ chmod 755 main.js # if necessary
  2. Link


    $ alias xbqg="/path/to/TerminalXbqg/main.js"


    $ export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/TerminalXbqg"

    to your terminal profile. (e.g. .zshrc)

  3. Configure environment variables

    $ export XBQG_DATA="/path/to/..."

    Add this to the profile too.


  • Q: How to add a book?


    1. First, choose a source. You can run xbqg config source.list to get the source list.
      As for me, ibiqu works well, so I'll use it as an example.
    2. Run xbqg source ibiqu to switch the source. (This step will be unnecessary after adding a book mark because TerminalXbqg supports automatical source switching.)
    3. Suggest you're going to read 诡秘之主 (Lord of the Mysteries), then open the brower and search it. (Biquge site group mostly support seacrhing). Then enter chapter 1. Now the URL is http://www.ibiqu.net/book/94525/153378216.htm and you need to copy page ID in that address, i.e. 94525/153378216
    4. Finally, run xbqg fetch 52542/20380548 to fetch the chapter. Then you can close the brower and enjoy the immersive experience of reading in terminal.
    5. Some commands you may need: fetch_prev(p, [) & fetch_next(n, ]) to turn page, book_mark to add books to your bookcase,book_show to show the bookcase,watch update, interactive mode, etc. There are two short forms (letter and symbol) of each commands for quick input. You can run help to get information of all commands, or help watch and more to get information about a specific command.
    6. Happy reading!
  • Q: Why does the text contain weird characters?

    A: They are from the xbqg websites, however, replacer can help.

  • Q: I'd like to add new source, how?

    A: You have to edit source.list in $XBQG_DATA/setting.json . replacer is also defined here.

  • Q: My settings went wrong.

    A: Try xbqg config_reset.

  • Q: TerminalXbqg doesn't work on xx OS.

    A: Sorry, I've only tested it on:

    • Archlinux 5.10.14-arch1-1 (tty & Konsole)
    • MacOS Catalina (Terminal.app)
    • MacOS Catalina Recovery (Terminal.app)
    • Windows 10 (Git bash)

    You may raise an issue here.

    Require node.js > v16.


  • interactive (!) and watch (..)


  • around, pagewarner and useCornerBracket


  • book_fetch (@), hook (automatical book_mark), autoSwitching
