
This is a text ming project which uses a famous algorithm called Naive-Bayes. The programming language used for this is Python.

Primary LanguagePython


About this Project

This project is done under a course of text mining. It is based on one of the famous algorithm called naive-bayes and python is used as the programming language since this language is very good with data cleaning, analyzing and manipulating.

For the front end i have used Flask which is a Python front end framework. It is compatible with the program and it easily and efficiently send the query back to backend which send the result back to the user.

Pre-requisite for running the application -

  1. Python version - 3.7
  2. MongoDb version - 3.6 (+)

Libraries for python-

  1. Flask.
  2. GridFs.
  3. Pymongo.
  4. bson.
  5. b64encode.

For cloud server , we have used Google Cloud.

Instructions - Make sure you have all the pre-requisite and libraries install before running the applications.

1.Setup the python environment. 2.Start the mongo server. 3.Connect your port to pymongo in Python (app.py). 4.Run app.py.