For a more up-to-date fork of this project that works on El Capitan and Sierra, check out w0lfschild's fork
The missing Spotlight plugin system
Das fehlende Plugin-System für Spotlight.
Flashlight is an unofficial Spotlight API that allows you to programmatically process queries and add additional results. It's very rough right now, and a horrendous hack, but a fun proof of concept.
Have an idea for a plugin? Suggest it
Clone and build using Xcode, or download Flashlight.app from releases.
Writing Plugins
Start with the tutorial on writing plugins.
Once you're finished with a plugin, clone our repo, place your bundle in PluginDirectories/1
, and we'll upload it to the online directory.
We welcome all contributions to the Flashlight core and plugins. See the wiki for more info.
Huge thanks to everyone who's contributed translations:
- xremix and DanielBocksteger for German
- matth96 for Dutch
- tiphedor for French
- lipe1966 for Portugese
- chuyik for Chinese
- suer and ymyzk for Japanese
- andreaponza for Italian
- iltercengiz for Turkish
- AlAdler for Spanish
- readingsnail for Korean
- davochka for Russian
- dougian for Greek
- Kejk for Swedish
- majk-p for Polish
- jurgemaister for Norweigan
- /vlcekmi3 for Czech
If it's not translated into your native language yet, you should consider helping us localize.
The iOS-style switches in the app (ITSwitch.h/m
) are ITSwitch, by Ilija Tovilo.
The code injection system is forked from Norio Nomura's EasySIMBL.
The ZipZap library by Glen Low is used internally.
Licensed under the GPL and MIT licenses (see LICENSE).
Helping out
You can help out by writing a plugin you want, taking a look at the Github issues, or sharing the app with friends on Twitter or Facebook.