
qqChat by java swing and simulate from tecent qq

Primary LanguageJava


the project coded by java and use the factory mode and proxy mode , the whole structure is MVC which simulate the django, also we use the multi-thread to process the instant information. this project made by four person who are my university-mate. And my work is make the whole project structure and make sure how to interaction between the users. And the main interface writed by me.


  • Register
  • login
  • friend manage
  • chat
  • user information manage
  • tips
  • personalization
  • file transfer


main structure client struct server struct

install and deploy

  1. open folder open folder

  2. open the "project" and open the eclipse. and "Create a new java Project" create a new java pro

  3. The server folder ops like the 2

  4. file introduce file introduce

  5. add the self-jar from self-jar folder self-jar add lib add lib2 add self jar

  6. the server project operate like 5, you should add the self-jar in the server project.

  7. this project's default database is SQL Server , if you want to use other database, you should find the jar and the sql to create ,this is a introduce. database

  8. you should modify the java file ,find com.mqserver.dbc in MQServer , and exchange the database java file by DatebaseConnection.java. change database

  9. there are sql cmd file in the database folder ,you can copy to the target database terminal. the default database is "JavaChat" , if you don't like this name ,you can change in here: change database name


this is result: effect

  1. OK, It's time to check the project , first of all , you should run the server , which is main file in com.mqserver.main runserver

  2. And as 10 , you should run the main file in MQClient's com.mq.client.main run client

  3. ok , enjoy it .

how to use

start server


Register a account





info_change skinChange

add friend

add friend

tips and friend reward


online and offline


chat record and online/offline informatin tips

information tips online/offline

chat interface

chat interface

delete friends


server log

server log

file transer

file transer file transer2 file transer3